Parallel events

Walking tour |  Athens: The Institution of Failure

or How the failure of  State becomes the State of Things

Athens, since it’s very first moments as a modern city in 1830, has always shown a strong resistance to top-down planning and  implementation of official policies. The strong inherited patterns of the everyday life  are the modes of its informal resistance to the Institutional Power. Walking through the center of Athens, from the ancient entrance  at Keramikos through Omonia sq, the gate for all the migrants & newcomers, ending at Green Park we will unveil this erratic resisting performativity of the disconnected actors of this city against all plans.

Constantina Theodorou

Time & Place

24th September 2015, 11.00 a.m. & 26th September 2015 10.00 a.m.

Metro Station: Keramikos

Workshop | Unworking the Institution: Gender, Technology, Power

The contemporary institution is increasingly policed and maintained by technical methods and systems, such as management databases, immigration controls, and electronic barriers/access points. This practical workshop will explore how gender, care and safety is embodied in software based systems by tracing connections between personal and institutional practices of safety and care. It will use embodied mapping practices to bring out collective experiences, and group experiments/interventions to create potential responses to them

Time & Place

 24 September 2015, 11am-5pm (Ampatiellou 11 Athens)

Autonomous Tech Fetish
Natalia Rozalia Avlona (Abandon Normal Devices)
Django Girls Athens
Paula Graham-Gazzard (fossbox)
Clifford Hammett and Alexandra Jönsson (artists)
Amit Rai (Queen Mary University of London)
Penny Travlou (University of Edinburgh)